Connie Lozano


Connie Lozano is a teacher with a passion for yoga that is contagious.

She has found practicing and teaching yoga a lifestyle that is truly satisfying. Her classes are innovative, transformative, challenging and compassionate.

She combines creatively sequenced asana with pranayama and meditation. Her well-earned reputation for balancing humor with the quest for authenticity is truly refreshing, placing emphasis on awareness and creating integrity in the poses that can be carried beyond the mat and into daily life.

Connie began her yoga journey in a continued education class in San Antonio.

She received her Hatha yoga certification at YogaYoga in Austin and continues her studies daily.

She has been teaching full time since 1998 and has experience teaching special needs population including athletes, ADHD, Asthma, COPD, injury/restriction and those who suffer‚ addiction, Cancer, joint replacement, PTSD and is sensitive to illness that accompanies each of us as we age.



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Carla Dawn Perry