Elizabeth did not seek out midwifery; rather, midwifery came to her. In May 2003 while working as an Acupuncturist, she started to get repetitive dreams where she extended out her hands and looked up while saying: “I don’t know what to do” as the babies dropped into her hands. She was told that she had received “The Calling” and it was her destiny to become a midwife. Midwifery certainly wasn’t anywhere close to what she ‘planned’ for her life – yet, it is the singular greatest thing that has ever happened to her. It has become her spiritual path.

Her journey to wholeness included 20 years of study in Space Holding and Trauma Integration, which is the cornerstone of her Somatic Integrative coaching practice. She trained for 12 years with Ray Castellino in his Womb Surround Process Workshops and 5 years with Anna Chitty’s Somatic Verbal Skills Training, where she learned she was gifted in seeing where trauma landed in the field and how to support repetitive patterns to integrate and create more choice. In addition she has studied Havening Techniques and has a Certificate in Psychedelic Therapy from IPI in Boulder, CO.

Elizabeth’s personal story has been called “epic” and she has had the honor to be guided back to her original wound and repattern it with the remembrance that she was never alone. By doing her personal integration work, she is now able to hold space for the stories that people perceive as “too big” and “shameful” with ease. She has often been called a Shaman but refuses that title as she understands that being a Midwife is her truth, as she holds space for people to not only birth babies, but birth themselves too, through private somatic sessions and plant medicine ceremonies.

Elizabeth’s space holding as a midwife has been experienced by many as a speaker at Spirit Weavers, Choices in Childbirth, and the MILK conference; by her appearances as an expert on The Doctors, Love and Hip Hop Hollywood, and Extra; and through her book: Birth Planning: All the Questions to Ask.

Learn more about Elizabeth HERE



Carla Dawn Perry


Danielle White